Joan Duffy Travel Award – Student Application – Online Form

MN AFS Joan Duffy Student Travel Award

  • Student Application - Joan Duffy Student Travel Award - MN AFS

  • Part I. General Information

    To be completed by the applicant.
  • E.g. freshman, junior, 2nd year graduate student, etc.
  • Part II. Short Answer

    To be completed by the applicant.
  • To which AFS units (e.g. Chapters, Sections, Subunits, etc.) do you belong and at what level have you been involved (e.g. President, Committee Chair, member, etc.)?
  • Briefly describe your goals as a student of aquatic natural resources.
  • Describe the reason(s) you want to attend the Conference (e.g. presenting a paper/poster, chairing a session, networking, etc.)
  • Describe your financial need and how this award will help you attend the Conference.
  • Part III. Applicant Signature

    By checking this box, I verify that all of the information provided in this application is true, correct, and as accurate as possible.
  • **Don't forget to have your faculty advisor submit the student recommendation form.