The purpose of the Striped Bass Committee is to define and resolve problems and issues concerning management and culture of moronids (landlocked and anadromous) and their hybrids through an exchange of ideas and information among members of the Southern Division, AFS.
- To convene annually or as necessary to discuss ongoing projects and problems associated with management and culture.
- To facilitate the exchange of information related to moronid management and culture.
- To organize and conduct multi-state projects and to address larger geographic problems or shared concerns pertaining to the management and culture of moronids.
- To interact with other technical committees, the SDAFS Executive Committee, and the parent society on issues of policy, procedures, position statements, and resolutions that pertain to moronids.
- Encourage committee members to report committee activities to their administrators and staff.
- Members serve at the request of the SDAFS President.
- Each state fisheries resources agency within SDAFS is requested to provide recommendations for membership. Representation by more than one person per agency is left to the discretion of the Chairperson.
- Membership is open to all SDAFS members and requires only appointment by the SDAFS President following consultation with the Committee Chairperson. The chairperson is responsible for soliciting possible candidates from additional fisheries agencies or other related parties.
- Membership confers the right to vote.
- Active participation by non-members of the committee has been beneficial and their involvement in Committee activities is encouraged.
- A quorum consists of a minimum of five members.
- All decisions must have majority support.
- Quorums can be met through the use of designees, proxy votes, and/or absentee ballots. Designees or proxies will be in writing.
- The Chair is elected by the membership and is appointed by the SDAFS President. The Chair will serve for 2 years.
- Chairperson may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
- Organizes meetings by working with Committee members, other technical committee chairpersons, and SDAFS President to determine meeting dates and locations.
- Develops meeting agendas and provides Committee members with meeting dates, locations, and agendas in advance of the meetings.
- Conducts meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guideline for doing business.
- Works with SDAFS President to set Committee membership each year.
- Reports Committee activities to SDAFS Executive Committee upon request from President.
- Provides new Committee items to the SDAFS Newsletter Editor upon request.
- Develops reports from meetings and sends to attendees for further dissemination to other staff and administrators.
- Chair-elect nominees will be appointed by the Committee and voted by the committee membership through email balloting. Balloting is to be completed and sent to membership by October 1 and the results completed by November 1. The results will be determined by a majority vote. The new chairperson will assume the position on April 1.
- Serves a two year term and is appointed by the Chairperson. Can be re-appointed and serve consecutive terms.
- Produces minutes for each meeting and sends them to the Chairperson within sixty days and is posted on the committee website, if available. Minutes will be sent to the committee for approval before posting on the web site with a ten-day limit for voting approval. No response from committee members will be considered as a concurrence.
- Substitutes for the Chairperson in that person’s absence.
- Serves a two year term and is appointed by the Chairperson. Can be re-appointed and serve consecutive terms.
- Keeps financial records and a checking account from which Committee-approved expenditures are disbursed.
- Provides Treasurers report during Committee meetings.