
We all communicate our science in some capacity—from publishing research and presenting new data at scientific conferences to tweeting our #fishsci discoveries and creating outreach programs at governmental agencies.

The AFS Science Communication Section (SCS) is a hub for members to:

  • Find training opportunities and resources to acquire and refine communication skills
  • Network with others participating in fisheries science communication

Our Vision

Fisheries scientists actively and effectively communicating with stakeholders to develop science-informed policy decisions.

Our Mission

Provide hands-on training and essential resources to those seeking to improve their communication skills.

Our Values

We connect fisheries scientists with peers and professionals needed for science communication.

We share knowledge beyond the boundaries of paywalls, academic ivory towers, and management offices. 

We promote the use of field-tested communication strategies backed by communications theory.

The 2018 Executive Committee

President: Solomon David

Vice-President: Julie Claussen

Secretary: Ed Henry

Treasurer: Katherine O’Reilly

Website: Natalie Sopinka