Robert M. Jenkins Scholarship

Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship

The Reservoir Technical Committee of the Southern Division AFS, established the Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship in 1997, to memorialize and honor the late Robert “Bob” Jenkins and his contributions to reservoir fisheries management. Bob was a member of the American Fisheries society for more than 45 years and his vast contributions to the field of reservoir fishery science paved the way for today’s reservoir managers. Bob was elected to the National Fisheries Hall of Excellence in 1995. The Scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to graduate students conducting reservoir-related fisheries research in the southeastern United States who show exceptional progress in their research, education, and professional endeavors. To date, over $40,000 has been awarded to young fisheries professionals through this scholarship.

Beginning in 2025, the scholarship will be expanded to allow applications from graduate students conducting reservoir related research throughout the United States.

This competitive scholarship will award $1,000 directly to the successful applicant. It may be used for any aspect of graduate education including, but not limited to, tuition, textbooks, equipment, travel or living expenses. Additionally, candidates are asked to present their research, in person, to the Reservoir Technical Committee at the annual Southern Division American Fisheries Society meeting. Travel funding will be made available, as necessary, to ensure the scholarship winner can attend.

Selection criteria are based on research, education, professional and civic activities and letter of recommendation from a major professor/faculty advisor. Research and education activities can be associated with any aspect of reservoir ecosystem management. Special consideration will be given to applicants whose research has nationwide applicability to reservoir sportfish populations, sportfish habitat, or their forage. Professional activities in fishery-related student organizations, AFS Chapters, and similar organizations are desirable. Applicable public services include any voluntary activities but those pertaining to conservation and fishing are most desirable.

A committee of Reservoir Technical Committee members will review applications and present recommendations to the RTC Chair for approval. All application materials must be received by October 15th each year, unless specified otherwise.

Application materials can be found here.


2024 Recipient:

The Reservoir Technical Committee is proud to announce Joshua Stafford from Mississippi State University as the recipient of the 2024 Robert M. Jenkins Memorial Reservoir Research Scholarship.

Joshua is working under the guidance of Dr. Corey Dunn and Dr. Steve Miranda. His project evaluated the efficacy of modified barrier operations on Silver Carp movements. The goal being the examination of environmental variables coinciding with Silver Carp movements through water-control structures and the creation of a model to determine what factors most influence Silver Carp passages. This research could influence future water-control structure operations to better limit Silver Carp movements into recreationally important waterbodies.

Joshua is actively involved with AFS and plans to continue to do so. His career goal is to become a state or federal fisheries biologist working to conserve native fish species.

Joshua was able to attend the 2024 SDAFS meeting in Chattanooga, TN. He presented his research during the Reservoir Technical Committee meeting and also during a general session. Joshua was presented with a check from Reservoir Technical Committee Chair, Sean Kinney. Congratulations Joshua!