A. Stephen Weithman Student Paper Award
The Missouri Chapter and the Socioeconomics Section of the AFS sponsor the A. Stephen Weithman Best Student Paper Award in Socioeconomics. The award is presented for the best platform or poster paper presented by a student at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Papers are judged on content, originality, organization, contribution to the field of fisheries science, and overall presentation of the study. The award winner receives $150 and an award certificate following the annual meeting.
Updated details coming soon for 2024 submissions!
To be considered for this award, interested applicants should complete the form available at and deliver it to the President of the Socioeconomics Section by September 9 (via e-mail).
Please email your submission and nomination form to:
Gabriella Marafino, President
AFS Socioeconomics Section
Previous awardees:
Kelsi Furman, Northeastern University, “Social Equity in Shore-Based Recreational Fisheries in Key West, Florida”
So-Jung Youn, Michigan State University, “The changing nature of the Great Lakes Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) supply chain and implications for their value”
Aaron Sundmark, South Dakota State University, “Factors shaping the social value of small lakes to local communities in South Dakota”
Sarah Calhoun, Oregon State University, “Oregon’s Fishing Community, adapting to change in policy, management, and markets: Documenting women’s roles and adaptive capacity in an evolving industry”
Honorable Mention: So-Jung Youn, Michigan State University, “Use of household dynamics to estimate inland fisheries harvest”
Honorable Mention: Vic DiCenzo, Virginia Tech University, “Why do Virginia’s trout anglers lapse?”
Ingrid S. Biedron, Cornell University, “Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic”
Honorable Mention: Scott Knoche, Michigan State University, “A Mixed Logit Model Approach to Investigate Trout Angler Preferences for Fishing Site Attributes”
Ed Camp, University of Florida, “Socioeconomic Dynamics and System-Level Evaluation of Enhancement Outcomes” [presentation]
Honorable Mention: Ingrid Biedron, Cornell University “Stakeholder Communication and the Transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils”
Honorable Mention: Julia Beaty, University of Maine “Combining Fisherman’s Knowledge and Statistical Analysis to Understand Habitat Usage of Atlantic Halibut in the Gulf of Maine”
Jody Simoes, Michigan State University, “Status of Human Dimensions Information Collection and Utilization by Fisheries Management Agencies” [presentation]
Tom Lang, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, “Implications of Reduced Stocking Frequencies on Fishing Quality in the Arkansas Urban Fishing Program” [presentation]
Honorable Mention: Emilie Springer, University of Washington, “Through a Cod’s Eye: Exploring the Social Context of the Bering Sea Aleutian Islands Groundfish Industry” [presentation]
Kathy Mills, Cornell University, “Confronting Trade-Offs Associated with Ecosystem-Based Management: An Evaluation of Alternative Governance Arrangements” [presentation]
Honorable Mention: Sara Hughes, Michigan State University, “Filling the Holes in Water Management: Groundwater, Values and Trout“[presentation]
Honorable Mention: Tom Lang, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, “Use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) for Collecting Angler Survey Data” [poster]
Courtney Carothers, University of Washington, “Fishing Quotas and Communities: A Case Study from the Gulf of Alaska”
Chris Updike, Northern Arizona University, “Confronting Social Impediments to Adaptive Management: Lessons from the Grand Canyon Ecosystem?” [presentation]