Abstract Submissions for 2015 TNAFS Meeting

Abstracts due no later than Friday, January 16, 2015

Tennessee Chapter members and associates are invited to submit abstracts from a range of topics and disciplines. The submission deadline for abstracts for contributed papers and the poster session is 5 pm EST on Friday, January 16, 2015. Abstracts this year will be composed by the author using the guidelines specified in the link provided in the below “Instructions for Presenters” and submitted electronically via email to Kathlina Alford at kfa@tnaqua.org.
MS Word documents are submitted through the website without use of any elaborate file transfer protocols, so the responsibility for formatting abstracts rests with the authors. Authors must follow the Abstract Guidlines below. The guidelines include an example of how the final abstract should look. Once abstracts are completed, please email to Kathlina Alford at kfa@tnaqua.org

Abstract Guidelines:

Abstract submissions follow the Southern Division AFS format and should include presenter’s personal information, the paper’s title, author(s) names (presenter’s name underlined), and superscript numbered references to each author’s address. The body of the abstract should be 300 words or less and should include the study objectives, principal results, and conclusions. Students intending to compete for Best Presentation Award should include their degree program and name of major professor in their submission email. The general abstract format is given below. Contributed oral presentations are currently scheduled for 15 minutes – 12 minutes for the presentation followed by a 3 minute question/answer period. Moderators will strictly enforce the time limit. Microsoft PowerPoint presentations are required for oral presentations.

Example Abstract Format (MS Word .doc or .docx is required):


Presenter: Kevin M. Hunt, kmhunt@cfr.msstate.edu, 662-325-0870

Title: Habitat impairment scores for Southeastern U.S. Reservoirs

Author(s): Hunt, K.M 1, J. W. Schlechte 2, and L.E. Miranda 3

1 Affiliation and address

2 Affiliation and address

3 Affiliation and address

Abstract: The abstract text should be no more than 300 words.


*Note that the words “Presenter”, “Title”, “Author(s)”, and “Abstract” above SHOULD NOT appear in your Microsoft Word document, they are listed above for instructional purposes only.

**If you are student presenter and you want to be considered for the Best Presentation Award, please include your degree program and the name of your major professor when you email your abstract.

Once your abstract is received and actually opened by Kathlina, you will receive an email confirmation. This will not be an immediate response!