2017 Podcasts – Friday PM

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Podcasts created using Camtasia Studio 7

Parasite pressure or just plain bad luck: fitness costs of larval trematodes in two closely related Poeciliids with different reproductive strategies
Quintero, E. (presentation unavailable)

Enhanced production of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) at a newly constructed artificial reef in the western Gulf of Mexico
Streich, M. K., M. J. Ajemian, J. J. Wetz, and G. W. Stunz (presentation unavailable)

GoMexSI: Progress toward a valuable resource for fisheries managers, marine ecologists, and educators in Texas
Simons, J. (presentation unavailable)

Managing commercial harvest of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Texas – applying a 2-metric stoplight approach in Copano Bay, Texas
Mace, C.E.

Distribution, abundance, and life history of the Prairie Chub
Ruppel, D.S., and T. H. Bonner

The Medina Roundnose Minnow (Dionda nigrotaeniata): an assessment of its rangewide status and initial study of its ecology in a hill country stream
Smith, R.

Morphometrics as a descriptor of potential hybridization between the Prairie Chub (Macrohybopsis australis) and Shoal Chub (M. hyostoma)
Sotola, A., D. Ruppel, T. H. Bonner, and N. Martin

Capture stress and post-release survival of Blacktip Sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in the Gulf of Mexico recreational fishery
Mohan, J., J. Hendon, E. Jones, B. Falterman, K. Boswell, and R. J. D. Wells

Hydroelectric dams in the tropics: impending threats to biodiversity and fisheries
Winemiller, K. O.

Reducing discard mortality in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper fishery
Tompkins, A. K., J. M. Curtis, and G. W. Stunz

Uses of American Water-willow (Justicia americana) by reservoir fishes and invertebrates in Lake Conroe, Texas
O’Hanlon, R., F. Gelwick, and M. Webb

Determining thermal tolerances of freshwater mussels in Texas
Morton, J. N., and C. R. Randklev

Tracking Atlantic Tarpon with scale chemistry
Walther, B. D., and M. E. Seeley

Relationships between climate, growth, and fisheries production in a commercially exploited marine fish from the Gulf of California
Reed, E., B. Black, M. J. Román, I. Mascareñas, C. Lopez-Sagastegui, O. Aburto-Oropeza, K. Rowell, and B. Erisman

TPWD’s East Bay oyster restoration project: results and lessons learned
Rodney, W.