Power Tie Award
The Power Tie Award was initiated in 2000 by Brent Winner. The purpose of the award was to give recognition to the “most dynamic oral presentation” at the annual meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. The tradition is that the winner of the award attends the meeting after the award, wears the tie at some time during the meeting (preferably during a talk presented by the winner) and then makes the award presentation at the awards session of the annual meeting to the individual who has given the most dynamic oral presentation at that meeting.
Award Recipients
2019: Cheree Steward (FWC). Creating an effective poster.
2018: Justin Hill (FWC). Who is at fault for poor communication and why is it you? Social media edition.
2016: Jim Reed (FWC). Using Volunteers at Bass Tournaments to Collect Age-and-Growth Data.
2015: Chris Bradshaw and Bob Heagey for their tag team talk “Calling Names: When in Rome do you speak Latin?”
2014: Michael “Captain America” Murphy for his tag team talk on red drum
2013: Rob Ahrens
2012: Linda Lombardi
2008: Stuart Carlton
2006: Noel Burkhead
2005: Will Patterson
2004: Steve Bortone
2003: Jerry Lorenz moved us to tears with his description of the plight of the rare and threatened ‘pink snook’
2002: Chris Metcalf
2001: Wayne Bennett
2000 Steve Bortone