Previous Workshops
May 2023: Open Science: An Introduction for Fisheries Professionals – Marcus Beck, Ph.D. (Tampa Bay Estuary Program)
April 2022: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – Vic DiCenzo (Arkansas Game and Fish Commission)
October 2021: Introduction to fish anatomy and identification plus detailed guides to three common Florida marine fish families (Lutjanidae, Epinephelidae, and Carangidae) – Theresa Warner (FWC-FWRI)
April 2021: Collecting, Processing, and Ageing Fin Structures from Freshwater and Marine Fishes – Summer Lindelien and Kristen Rynerson (FWC-FWRI)
August 2020: Introduction to R for Fisheries Professionals – Paul Schueller (FWC, Center for Biostatistics and Modeling)
April 2019: New Technology for Fisheries – Autonomous Data Collection – Michael Higgs (Higgs Hydrographic Tek) –
April 2018: Science Outreach-Engagement Through Film – Michael and Chelsey Crandall (UF)