Abstract Submission (old)
Abstract Deadline
The deadline for abstract submission for the 2021 Chapter Meeting is Friday, March 5th, 2022.
Abstract Submission Details
Please submit your abstract as a MS Word document to Dan Nelson (daniel.nelson@myfwc.com). Please follow these instructions for submission:
- In the email subject line, please enter FLAFS 2021 followed by the author names in your abstract (e.g., FLAFS2021 SmithTaylorRosen)
- Use the same name for the abstract file, e.g., FLAFS2021 SmithTaylorRosen.doc
- Please include the associated information requested above with the abstract
- NEW: Please submit 1-3 “action shots”/pictures (jpg format and < 500KB in size) associated with your research for the FL Chapter website with your abstract. Non-presenters who would like to contribute photos may submit them to Chris Anderson (christopher.anderson@myfwc.com) or Dan Nelson (daniel.nelson@myfwc.com) by email.
Abstract Format
Abstract word limit is 300 words and should include the following information:
Presenter: Williams, Brian
Email: BrianWilliams@FloridaFish.net
Author(s): Williams, B.1, K. Rowley1, and P. George2
1Affiliation with address.
2Affiliation with address.
Title: Recommendations for New Limits on Some of Florida’s Most Targeted Fish Species
Abstract: 300 word maximum
Student Presentation: No or Yes (work presented was completed while a student)
Presentation type: Oral or Poster
Would you like to be considered for the symposium? Yes or No
Are you willing to be a judge? Yes or No If so, oral presentation or poster?
Presentation Details
Speakers will be given 20 minutes for pre-recorded talks (15 minutes for presentations and 5 minutes for live questions and/or discussion). If you haven’t previously recorded a presentation, please see the following link: How to Record Presentations using PowerPoint. Pre-recorded presentations will be uploaded to a Google Drive folder prior the meeting (Link to folder will be distributed to presenters in April).
All posters will be presented virtually on Tuesday, April 20th from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Individual breakout sessions will be created for poster presenters where they will be available to answer questions live. Poster PDFs will be uploaded to a Google Drive folder (Link to the folder will be distributed to presenters in April).
If you require other options for projection or poster formats, please contact the annual meeting’s Program Chair, Dan Nelson (daniel.nelson@myfwc.com).