Spring 2023 Meeting Workshop
Title: Introduction to Open Science for Fisheries Professionals
Date: May, 11 2023
Time: 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Meeting room, Guy Harvey Resort
Cost: Included with meeting registration, Please RSVP while registering
Open science is an effective approach to create reproducible, transparent, and actionable research products. However, widespread adoption among the research and management community has not occurred despite its perceived benefits. In the face of major challenges like global warming and habitat loss, the collaborative framework provided by open science is needed now more than ever. By the end of this workshop, you will have an understanding of fundamental concepts in open science and how they can be applied to help bridge the research-management divide. You will also have the skills to understand how collaborative open science tools can be used to increase efficiency and transparency (e.g., using the Quarto publishing system), understand fundamental best practices for working with data to facilitate openness, and be able to apply these lessons within your own research and management teams. Anyone interested in applying open science in their own workflows or as part of a larger team is encouraged to attend.
Marcus Beck, Ph.D. Program Scientist Tampa Bay Estuary Program |