Payment Instructions
What is PayPal?
PayPal is an payment service that allows you make online payments to vendors and individuals using payment types that you have registered with your PayPal account. Payment types can include credit cards, debit cards and banking accounts. You are not required to create a PayPal account in order to make payments using the FLAFS chapter shopping cart.
Adding items to the PayPal shopping cart:
You will need to select the “Add to Cart” buttons for each item that you wish to make a payment for. When you first add an item to your cart, a new tab will open in your browser that will display your PayPal shooping cart. To continue to add items, please click the “Continue Shopping” button within the shopping to return to the list of items. Repeat this action, adding one item at a time to the cart, until you have added all desired items (each time you add an item, it will update the shopping cart).
Making the Payment using Checkout
Review the items in your shopping cart and the total amount due. Click the “Checkout” button or the “Checkout with PayPal” button to make payment. Using “Checkout” allows you to enter credit card information without needing a PayPal account. “Checkout with PayPay” will prompt you to login to your PayPal account to make a payment using one of your registered payment types.