Submit Abstract

 The call for Abstract Submissions has now closed!
We are no longer accepting applications.

Final Abstract Submission format for both Oral and Poster Presentations:

  1. Abstracts should be full-justified, single-spaced, with 12 point Times New Roman typeface throughout.
  2. Title: Be descriptive and succinct. Make the text bold. Skip one line and then enter the author list.
  3. Author List: List all authors: first name, middle initial, last name. Indicate affiliation using superscript number(s) as shown. Place an asterisk (*) after the presenting author’s name. Skip one line and then enter the affiliation list.
  4. Affiliation list: For each author indicate affiliation number in superscript, leave one space, then list complete mail and email address. Do not skip lines between authors. Skip one line before providing abstract.
  5. Abstract text: Limit the abstract to a single 8.5”x11” page with 1” margins on all sides. There is no word limit, but the entire submission must fit on the page. Skip one line before providing categorical information.
  6. Oral Presentation Session and Topic Categories: From the list below, choose one session that best fits your topic, your preference for oral or poster presentation and if you are a student presenter. Do not skip lines between qualifiers.

Preliminary Sessions: 

General Sessions:

  1. Coral Diseases
  2. Aquatic Mammals
  3. Parasitology Myxozoa
  4. Bacteriology / Mycology
  5. Virology
  6. Immunology General
  7. Immunology Vaccines
  8. Diagnostics and Quality Assurance
  9. Invertebrate and Shellfish Disease
  10. Parasitology General
  11. Parasitology Sea Lice – Ectoparasites
  12. Ornamentals and Aquarium Medicine
  13. Antibiotic Use / Pharmacology
  14. Toxicology / Tox Path
  15. Microbiomes

Special Sessions:

  1. World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association (WAVMA)
  2. American Association of Fish Veterinarians (AAFV)
  3. Diseases of Wild Fin-Fish
  4. Quantitative Atlantic Salmon Health (QASH)
  5. Genomic Applications in Aquatic Animal Health
  6. eDNA / Metagenomics
  7. Co-infections in Fish
  8. Latin American Fish Health
  9. Caribbean Fish Health
  10. Gill Health
  11. Climate Change & Aquatic Animal Health
  12. Bridges between Aquaculture, Human &  Environmental Health
  13. Sturgeon Disease
  14. Tuna Disease
  15. Tilapia Disease
  16. Zebrafish/Lab Animal Medicine
  17. Emergent Disease
  18. Nutrition and Fish Health
  19. Aquatic Epidemiology
  20. Aquatic Animal Health Management
  21. Cleaner Fish Diseases