51st Annual Meeting
“Our Collective Land and Sea: Weaving Fish, Habitat, and People”
Ketchikan, Alaska
Abstract Submission: Please limit abstracts to 300 words, and note that special formatting (e.g., bold, numbering, etc.) may be lost in copy-paste. A separate abstract must be submitted for each presentation, even if submitted by the same author.
Oral Presentation Guidelines:
Poster Guidelines: The poster session will be held in-person Wednesday March 27th in conjunction with the trade show. Please limit posters to a 4’ (48”) width and height. An example of poster dimensions would be 48”W X 35”H.
Pervasive, Evasive, Invasives, and Interdisciplinarity (chair: Evelyn Weaver)
Bridging the gap between fish passage and fish habitat in Southeast Alaska (chair: Khrystl Brouillette)
Look what you made me do, data and technology, reimagining data collection and data visualization (chair: Jess Davila)
Collaboration and innovation in shellfish/groundfish research and management (chair: Jan Rumble)
Submit your presentation and poster abstract here
Film abstract Submission:
Sharing what we are learning through the use of film continues to be an exceptional way to communicate advances in science and fisheries management, showcase ways communities are engaging in local fisheries and stewardship efforts, and capture the beauty and diversity of fish across Alaska.
Contact: Deborah Hart, coordinator@sealaskafishhabitat.org; 907-723-0258
Contributed presentations on other topics are welcome and will be grouped by theme based on keywords provided in the survey.