Wright Award

(To access or return to our main awards page: Awards)

The James E. Wright Graduate Award is presented annually by the Genetics Section at the AFS Annual Meeting and is intended to recognize excellence in graduate-level work in fisheries genetics.

Eligibility: The applicant must be a full or affiliate member of the Genetics Section at the time of application. Students are eligible to win the award once per graduate degree program. For example, a student who received the award as a Masters student is eligible to win again as a PhD student, but a PhD student who wins the award once is not eligible to win in future years.

Selection criteria:

  • Potential for success in research in fisheries genetics (60%)
  • Anticipated contribution to upcoming annual meeting, e.g. paper, poster, or other contribution (20%)
  • Service to the Society, Sections, or Chapters (10%)
  • Demonstrated need for travel assistance (10%)

Application package:

  1. Brief curriculum vitae including anticipated degree, date of completion, and career goals
  2. Statement of the thesis or dissertation and abstract of progress to date
  3. Names and contact information for two references familiar with the applicant’s background and abilities
  4. Statement of previous service to the Society, Sections, or Chapters, and need for travel assistance
  5. Statement addressing anticipated contribution to the upcoming AFS Annual Meeting
  6. Please indicate if you intend to attend the meeting virtually or in person

Deadline for application: 18 April 2025

Send all application materials via email to: matthew.campbell@idfg.idaho.gov