There are four kinds of membership available in the AFS Genetics Section:
Regular member – $10/year
Student member – $5/year
Affiliate member – $15/year
Life member – $200
Regular and Student memberships are available to anyone who is also a member of the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Affiliate membership is available to anyone. Affiliate members share all of the privileges of Regular and Student members, except those prohibited by the bylaws of the parent society. For example, Affiliate members cannot vote or hold office. Members wishing to purchase an Affiliate membership must contact the Genetics Section Secretary-Treasurer. A Genetics Section Life membership is available to anyone who is also a Life member of AFS. Members wishing to purchase a Life membership must contact the AFS Membership Coordinator.
The AFS Genetics Section encourages all of its members to join the parent society. If you would like to join both the AFS and the Genetics Section, you may access the various membership options on the AFS Membership webpage.