MTAFS 2024 Annual Meeting

The 57th annual meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

February 20-23, 2024

Yogo Inn

Lewistown, Montana


Click Here to See the Meeting at a Glance


2024 Montana AFS Meeting registration in open. Please register at the Eventbrite link HERE. Contact Clint Smith at with any questions.

Paper Submissions:

Abstract submissions and posters should be emailed no later than January 31. Please submit a MS Word document with 12 point Times New Roman font and single spacing. All abstracts must include the title, author(s), and a concise abstract that does not exceed 250 words.

Please send symposium ideas and abstracts to Peter Brown

Continuing Education

This year’s continuing education workshop is centered around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) on 20 February. Led by Dr. Mariah Hill, a licensed clinical psychologist with a specialization in multicultural psychology, this workshop will include 6 hours of training and delve into crucial topics such as the foundations of DEI, the cultural identity model, exploration of one’s cultural identity, foundations of privilege, implicit bias and microaggressions, and concluding with a focus on microaffirmations. As a special feature, fisheries professionals will participate in a panel discussion, shedding light on the practical applications of microaffirmations and diversity within the field.

Dr. Hill, based at MSU-Bozeman in the Counseling & Psychological Services office, boasts extensive experience in teaching, training, consulting, and providing therapeutic services related to cultural identity and DEI. Dr. Hill has developed multiple programs at MSU-Bozeman aimed at increasing inclusive practices, particularly Safe Zone and the Diversity & Inclusion Development (DID) program. She has expanded her DEI consulting services to a broader range of Montana communities in more recent years.


To reserve a room, contact the Yogo Inn at:

211 E Main St, Lewistown MT 59457

(406) 535-8721


A block of rooms has been reserved under “Montana Chapter American Fisheries Society” or “AFS” at $115/night. You may also book rooms at the state rate with proper identification.

Space is limited so please book double occupancy if possible.


For additional information contact Peter Brown at:

