MTAFS Chapter Awards
The purpose of Chapter Awards is to recognize Chapter members, aquatic resource professionals, and others in Montana for their accomplishments in protecting and restoring aquatic habitats and fishes in Montana.
Thinking about nominating someone for a MTAFS Chapter Award? The Nomination Letter Template might help you get started.
Awards Categories
Prior to the annual meeting the Awards Chair will solicit award nominations from the following seven categories. Only Active and Affiliate members in good standing may nominate award recipients.
- Communicator of the year
- Educator of the year
- Landowner of the year
- Fisheries resources individual or group of the year
- Career Achievement
- Natural Resource Professional
- George Holton Outstanding fishery professional
Award Criteria are based on the award category and evaluated on:
- Conservation of aquatic resources through word or deed
- Devotion of personal time/money/experience/effort towards protecting or enhancing fish resources
- Influence in dealing with local, state, or federal government entities for ensuring the future welfare of Montana’s aquatic resources
- Influence in enacting important local, state, or federal legislation, which protects or enhances Montana’s aquatic resources
- Demonstration of a long-term commitment to Montana’s aquatic environment, or to a particular lake, river, or stream
- Elevated public interest and awareness in fishing and fishery management;
- Assisted in research/management/stocking programs
- Improved or developed and adopted a management program which reduced the impact of previous detrimental management practices (i.e. flow fluctuations) or improved conditions for aquatic communities
- Funded research or management studies to either assess potential impacts of proposed actions or improve management practices on aquatic systems
- Inspired and encouraged others to pursue the conservation and restoration of aquatic resources
Additional Criteria for George Holton Outstanding Fishery Professional Award
- Membership and accomplishments in AFS and the Montana Chapter
- Accomplishments of local, state, regional, or national significance
- Efforts that would be classified as “above and beyond” job requirements
- Demonstrated creativity and innovation
- Membership in other professional, resource, conservation, and community organizations, which allowed the individual to promote sound aquatic resource management outside the fishery profession
- Promotion of sound aquatic resource management to conservation, sporting, and/or community organizations outside the fish resource profession
- Authorship of published articles related to aquatic resources
More award information including info about the Best Student and Professional Paper awards can be found in the MTAFS Procedures Manual