
Trout Committee Accomplishments:

2021  Publications:

Population Genetics of Brook Trout in the S. Appalachians (Kazyak et al. TAFS)

Landscape/Stocking Effects on Population Genetics of TN Brook Trout (Hargrove et al. Conservation Genetics)

2019  East Coast Trout Culture and Management VI, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, Maryland

Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society’s Southern Division Trout Committee revised

2017  Jack Van Deventer releases MicroFish 4.0, developed in cooperation with the Trout Committee

2017  Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society’s Southern Division Trout Committee revised

2013  Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society’s Southern Division Trout Committee revised

2012  East Coast Trout Culture and Management V, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, Maryland; proceedings published.

2010  Publication:  Habera, J. W., M. A. Kulp, S. E. Moore, and T. B. Henry.  2010.  Three-pass depletion sampling accuracy of two electric fields for estimating trout abundance in a low-conductivity stream with limited habitat complexity.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:757-766.

2007  Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society’s Southern Division Trout Committee developed.

2006  Software upgrade:  Worked jointly with Jack Van Deventer (Washington State University) and a team from Microsoft to upgrade DOS-based Microfish 3.0 (analysis package for electrofishing depletiondata) to run on a Windows platform.  MicroFish 3.0 for Windows is now available free of charge at:

2005  East Coast Trout Culture and Management IV, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania; proceedings published.

Publication:  Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Trout Committee.  2005.  Management of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout:  A Position Statement.  Fisheries 30(7):10-20.

Trout Committee Procedure Manual updated.

2002  Trout Committee Procedure Manual updated.

2001  Trout Committee Procedure Manual updated.

2000  East Coast Trout Management and Culture Workshop III, Frostburg, Maryland. Proceedings published.

1999  Letter to editor published in Fisheries (July 1999) in response to feature electrofishing article.

Sponsored a special technical session on trout biology and management at SD AFS Mid- Year Meeting, Chattanooga, TN.

1998  11th International Trout Stream Habitat Improvement Workshop, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Resolutions passed to request improved water quality below U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Projects in Arkansas and Tennessee.

Established Trout Committee list server at Virginia Tech. University.

1995  East Coast Trout Management and Culture Workshop II, State College, PA. Proceedings published.

1992  East Coast Trout Management and Culture Workshop: joint sponsorship with Northeast Division Trout Committee. Proceedings published.

Resolution passed on Forest Management Practices.

Trout Committee Procedure Manual updated.

Development of standardized stream sampling procedures document.

1991  Workshop:  Trout and Timber Management (presentations summarized and distributed).

1990  Workshop: Reservoir and Tailwater Trout Management.

1989  Workshop: The Watershed Approach to Trout Management.

1988  Workshop: Brown Trout Biology and Management. Proceedings published.

1987  Workshop: Creel Census and Survey Techniques.

Trout Strain Summary (distributed to membership)

1986  Workshop: Tailwater Trout Management.

Purpose and Goals of Trout Committee developed.

Annotated Bibliography of Brook Trout Management published.

1985  Workshop: Brook Trout Management. Abstracts published.

1978  Status of the Brook Trout in the Southeast completed.

Angling Regulations Review completed.

1975  Resolution on Trout Stocking developed.

1973  Trout Management in the Southeast Bibliography developed.

1966  Trout Committee seeks recognition as an SD AFS technical committee.

1964  Trout Committee organized.