Current Committees of the Bioengineering Section & Contact Information:
AFS-BES/ASCE-EWRI Joint Committee on Fisheries Engineering and Science
The AFS-BES/ASCE-EWRI Joint Committee on Fisheries Engineering and Science, (aka the Fish Passage Committee) has been established with the goal of fostering continued communication and promoting joint fish passage efforts between the Bioengineering Section (BES) of American Fisheries Society (AFS) and the American Society of Civil Engineer’s Environmental and Water Resource Institute (ASCE-EWRI). The committee officers therefore maintain dual memberships in both AFS-BES and ASCE-EWRI, and the committee’s members are both members of this BES subcommittee and the ASCE-EWRI. Joint projects currently include:
1) Management of the International Conference on Engineering & Ecohydrology for Fish Passage,
2) Development and management of the Joint EWRI-AFS Fish Passage Reference Database in conjunction with the University of Massachusetts,
3) Establishment of the Distinguished Project In Fisheries Engineering and Ecohydrology Award, and
4) Development of fish passage webinars
If you are interested in participating on the Committee or for more information, please contact:
Kevin Mulligan
More information on the Fish Passage Joint committee can be found here:
Continuing Education Committee
The Continuing Education Committee coordinates training activities in conjunction with the AFS Annual Meeting. Courses may cover such topics as:
- Downstream fish passage
- Fish passage at road-stream crossings
- Fish screening
- Bioengineering and hydrokinetics
- Fishing gear technologies
- Stream and estuary restoration
- Engineering for Restoration of Rivers and Improved Ecological Systems
If you are interested in participating on the Committee or have an interest in potentially becoming an instructor for future courses, please contact:
Randy Beckwith
Technology Committee
The Technology Committee provides strategic support and technical guidance for those who are pursuing either the development of new fish passage and intake protection technologies or the use of existing technologies in unusual and innovative conditions (e.g., as fish collection devices or as barriers to fish passage). The committee accomplishes this by assisting innovators, reviewing concepts, fostering communication, providing a forum for highlighting new technologies, and identifying potential funding sources. The committee began operation in 2007 and has quarterly meetings by conference call except during the AFS Annual Meeting when the committee meets in person. The Committee organizes and implements, when needed, a technical session at the AFS Annual Meeting during which time technology innovators will be provided an opportunity to present their ideas to the AFS membership and conference attendees. For additional information on this committee, contact:
Randy Beckwith
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is chaired by the Immediate Past-President. Members of the Nominating Committee are appointed by the Section President, as necessary. The nominating committee helps to search for candidates to serve as officers in the Bioengineering Section. For additional information on this committee, contact:
Dan Giza