Continuing Education
The re-certification procedure for FHS Fish Pathologists and Aquatic Animal Health Inspectors requires accumulation of a minimum number of Continuing Education credits every 5 years (100 credits and 60 credits; respectively). The purpose of the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) is ensure that 4-8 hour continuing education training courses are available for fish health professionals at each of the following annual meetings:
• FHS Annual Meeting*
• Western Fish Disease Workshop
• Eastern Fish Health Workshop
*The FHS Annual Meeting convenes concurrently with the Western Fish Disease Workshop every other year. During these years, CE courses will be offered at each of the following meetings:
• Combined FHS Annual Meeting and Western Fish Disease Workshop
• Eastern Fish Health Workshop
To this end, the CEC is responsible for ensuring that appropriate CE sessions are provided at each of the aforementioned meetings. Typically, this is accomplished by working with the local meeting organizers to ensure that a local CE proxy committee has been established for each meeting / workshop. If a local CE proxy committee cannot be established, then the CEC will find alternative means to organize the CE topic, speakers, and program. A list of CE courses from recent meetings can be found here.