Join AFS Fish Health Section

If you are a student and would like to join the Fish Health Section, but you have already renewed your AFS membership for the year, contact AFS Membership Manager Kelly Kotche at to make arrangements. You cannot add it to your record online yourself once you have paid for the current year, but Kelly will be happy to assist you with adding it to your record.

Ten Good Reasons to Join the AFS-FHS:

  1. The section has a 40 year history of developing science and technology transfer for natural resources and industry.
  2. Members receive the magazine Fisheries and discounts on all AFS publications including the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.
  3. Members receive discounted registration at annual meetings.
  4. Members recieve discounted registration at affiliated society meetings such as the International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health.
  5. Student members are eligible for FHS travel awards and monetary “best presentation” awards at the annual meetings.
  6. Members of the FHS are represented at many important meetings and policy forums such as the National Aquatic Animal Health Plan Task Force.
  7. Members receive the Fish Health Newsletter and List-serve with up to date employment, meeting, and grant opportunity announcements.
  8. Membership entitles one to apply to become a FHS Certified Fish Pathologist or FHS Certified Aquatic Animal Health Inspector and continuing education opportunities help you to maintain certification.
  9. The AFS-FHS maintains the Blue Book diagnostic manual and the joint USFWS and FHS Inspection Methods Section. As a member of the FHS, you have the opportunity to participate in committees that develop and maintain these documents.
  10. The FHS is among the largest and most active sections of the society and fosters interaction among fish health specialists, fisheries biologists, veterinarians, fish pathologists, and government officials.

Types and Costs of FHS Memberships:

  • Regular ($20 per year, US and International).
  • Student/Early Career ($10 per year, US and International)
    • Regular and student/early career members must also join the parent society. See details here
  • Affiliate Membership ($65 US, $70 International) – see below

The Affiliate Membership category of the Fish Health Section was established to allow members of other professional organizations, both international and national, to share in and contribute to our expertise and programs (professional certification, continuing education, etc.). Membership as an affiliate includes:

  • Full access to the Fish Health Section website, section up-dates, and an on-line subscription to the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.
  • Eligibility for all Section benefits except as prohibited by the constitution of the Parent Society, which precludes Section affiliates from holding office, chairing committees and voting on Section or AFS affairs.
  • Affiliates are not entitled to AFS benefits such as member discounts for books, meetings etc., page charge subsidies or automatic receipt of Fisheries