Data and Technology Section of AFS: Election Nominations for 2024

The Data & Technology Section of the American Fisheries Society is accepting nominations for the next Treasurer. Put your name in the hat today, or nominate someone that you know. Only Data & Technology Section members are eligible (if they are not currently a member, they can go sign up right now!).

As Treasurer, you will spend two years assisting with decision-making and planning as a member of the Executive Committee.

The duties of the Treasurer include receiving all funds,
paying Section bills, and maintaining electronic/written financial records for
review by the Section. The Treasurer also establishes banking arrangements and
prepares and files all tax returns and official documents needed to keep the
Section in good legal and financial standing. As a non-profit, filing taxes is generally as simple as filling out a small postcard and mailing it in.

This is a vital role that offers excellent leadership opportunities. The time commitment
involved amounts to 1-hour long meeting with the ExCom each month, and up to a
week in additional time throughout the year completing the fundamental tasks mentioned
above for taxes and the annual business Treasurer report.

This is your opportunity to shape the actions of and direction of Data & Technology Section, and gain leadership experience within AFS. Past Section work has focused on providing guidance and information to section members and the wider AFS community on the existence, use, and implementation of various technologies and aspects of information management; fostering the discussion and exchange of new ideas, methodologies, and tools related to fisheries technologies and information; and providing existing, new, and future fisheries professionals with the information and technological skills necessary to excel. There is always room for fresh ideas in the Data & Technology Section!!

Please submit your nominations for Treasurer in the areas below by 05 July 2024.

Interested? Here is what you would need:

Your name, place of work, and title;
Biography (max 200 words);
Statement of interest/qualification/vision (max 200 words); and
Photograph that we can include in the call to vote

Nominations can be sent:

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions:

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