We have a date!

We have a date for our symposium session at the 2024 annual meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii!

The Data and Technology Section’s session, “MacGyvering”: Innovative Problem Solving in Fisheries Science” will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday, September 16, 2024 from 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM HST, currently set at the Conference Venue, Meeting Room 318B. Any updates to locations or time will be sent as they come.

The symposium will be followed by our Section’s annual business meeting in the same room! Make sure to come by and see us!

We look forward to seeing you all in Hawaii! Updates will continue here (https://units.fisheries.org/fits/) and on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/afsfits

For more information about the 154th Annual American Fisheries Conference: https://afsannualmeeting.fisheries.org/registration/

Questions? Email us at datatechnologysection@gmail.com

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