
Member Contributions

Symposium Summary: New Technologies Abound; Collaboration Trending Up

Submitted by Damon Hess and Katie Pierson November 18 (Portland, OR) – In a packed conference room of 109 participants from 35 organizations, Bill Bradbury challenged attendees at the “Emerging Technologies in Field Data Collection” workshop to become more efficient in their monitoring activities. As Northwest Power and Conservation Council Chair, Mr. Bradbury has been... Read More

Fish Bioenergetics 4.0 Update

Submitted by Steve R. Chipps FITS members – a quick update on Fish Bioenergetics 4.0. This summer we finalized a database that contains parameter estimates for 108 bioenergetics models —  quite an increase from the 33 models in Fish Bioenergetics 3.0!  We also completed a literature review of bioenergetics models and developed an Endnote library... Read More

The National Stream Internet Project

Submitted by Dan Isaak Hi Everyone, I’m writing with regards to a new national project we have underway that stream techno-geeks might be interested in. We call it “The National Stream Internet Project.” It’s prompted by the fact that accurate, high resolution information to describe the status and trends of water quality and aquatic biotas... Read More

FINS: The Fish Database Web Application in Missouri

Submitted by Dave Mayers & Rodney Britt Have you ever wanted to look at fish population indices from a body of water on the other side of the state?  Or needed to compare the present fish population in a lake to that found 10 years ago?  These are questions asked all the time by fisheries... Read More