Now Accepting Applications for the 2021 James Wright Award

Hi, all!

On behalf of the AFS Genetics Section, we are now accepting applications for the James Wright Award, a graduate student travel award that provides funds to participate in the annual AFS meeting. AFS will be offering a hybrid meeting this November, with some attendees participating virtually and others participating in person. The Genetics Section will be giving one or more awards each for virtual and in person attendees. The virtual attendee award will cover the cost of meeting registration while the in person attendee award will be $500. The exact number of each type of award (virtual, in person) will be announced after it is decided by the Genetics Section Executive Committee.

Faculty, this is a great opportunity for graduate students so please encourage them to apply. The attached document describes the selection criteria and application procedure. Applications are due on July 16th and winners will be determined by July 30. Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions!

Best wishes,

Andrea Schreier
amdrauch at

Application instructions can be downloaded here and on our Wright Award page.