Attn: Grad students and postdocs — Symposium submission deadline fast approaching!

Dear AFS Genetics Section member graduate students and postdocs,

The abstract submission deadline is fast approaching (14 April 2023) for a symposium entitled, “Highlighting the Cutting Edge: Graduate and Early Career Research in Genetics-Genomics”at the AFS Annual Meeting. Additional information and contacts are listed below. Please consider participating!

Sponsors: American Fisheries Society Genetics Section and the Student and Early Career Professionals Subsection


      Mary Peacock, Department of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada 89558,, cell phone (775) 848-4919
      Alana Luzzio, Graduate Group in Ecology, 2251 Meyer Hall, Department of Animal Science, University of California Davis, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616,, cell phone (860) 574-5340
      Guilherme Caeiro Dias, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexcio 87131,, cell phone (505) 277-3411

Abstract: Molecular tools are of primary importance to quantify genetic resources, evaluate divergence, identify adaptive trait loci, and characterize gene flow and the extent of geographic isolation across different levels (e.g., populations, lineages, species). Next generation sequencing methodologies allow us to employ different approaches (e.g., population genomics, phylogenomics) to questions at different temporal and spatial scales and provide tools to characterize both evolutionary patterns and contemporary anthropogenic impacts. Fisheries science is often on the cutting edge of conservation and evolutionary genetics-genomics with graduate and postdoctoral research often leading the way. In this symposium we highlight the research being done by this next generation of scientists. The focus on graduate and postdoctoral research provides a framework to evaluate where we are and ideas about where we need to go. The American Fisheries Society Genetic Section aims to provide an annual forum for discussion and put a spotlight on early-career scientists as they start their careers in Fisheries and Aquatic Genetics.