February 20-23, 2024
Yogo Inn
Lewistown, Montana
Paper Submissions:
Abstract submissions and posters should be emailed no later than January 15. Please submit a MS Word document with 12 point Times New Roman font and single spacing. All abstracts must include the title, author(s), and a concise abstract that does not exceed 250 words.
Please send symposium ideas and abstracts to Peter Brown Peterbrown406@gmail.com
To reserve a room, contact the Yogo Inn at:
211 E Main St, Lewistown MT 59457
(406) 535-8721
A block of rooms has been reserved under “Montana Chapter American Fisheries Society” or “AFS” at $115/night. You may also book rooms at the state rate with proper identification.
Space is limited so please book double occupancy if possible.
For additional information contact Peter Brown at: