What is the Resource Action Fund (RAF)? The Resource Action Fund (RAF) was established by MTAFS in 1989 and has provided over $250,000 to support projects relating to Montana’s aquatic resources. Originally designed to support small outreach and on-the-ground projects proposed by Chapter members, the fund has evolved to consider all types of RAF proposals, including habitat, management, conservation, fish passage, research, and data management projects from both members and non-members. Focus areas include projects showing clear benefit to native and special concern species. We plan to have RAF requests and evaluation once per year and align our annual RAF allocations with our available funding. This change was adopted by EXCOM to maximize fair treatment of all proposals and be able to follow our financial sustainability plan (adopted spring 2020).
Where does RAF funding come from? Interest on our investments and if our annual meetings make money.
How do I apply? All applications, regardless of the amount requested will need to be submitted to the Chapter President (Leo Rosenthal, lrosenthal@mt.gov) by January 30th. All applications will be reviewed by the MTAFS executive committee (EXCOM), composed of the president, past-president, president-elect, and secretary-treasurer. Application review will occur before the annual meeting and announced at the spring annual MT AFS meeting. Requests greater than $2,000 are required to be presented to the full membership for vote at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is typically held in February or early March each year. Applications received after January 30th will not be considered for funding until the following year’s submission deadline.
How much money does EXCOM have to disperse this year? We have the ability to disperse up to $5-6K on RAF projects this year.
If you would like to submit a proposal to benefit Montana fisheries, please fill out a proposal form and submit it to the current Montana AFS President for review. Please read the general guidelines carefully before submitting a proposal. We encourage you to speak with a member of EXCOM before submitting a proposal.
RAF grant applications must clearly state how the proposed project will provide at least one of the following:
- benefits to one or more of Montana’s native species of special concern;
- short and/or long term benefits to Montana’s or regional fisheries resources;
- support of the objectives of the MTAFS;
- relevance to ongoing and previous work in the area (e.g., geographic area, research area, etc.).
Further, the RAF grant application should demonstrate the following:
- the support of an appropriate MTAFS committee, if expenditures relate to a committee’s responsibility;
- coordination with applicable local, state, or federal agency personnel;
- all necessary permits or licenses have been obtained or are obtainable;
- funding from sources other than MTAFS has been obtained, solicited or denied;
- no additional commitment of MTAFS funds would be necessary to complete the project.