We need your help in recognizing resource professionals with significant contributions to protecting and restoring aquatic habitats and fishes in Montana at the 2019 Montana Chapter of AFS Annual Meeting – held at the Double Tree by Hilton, Billings, MT on January 29 – February 1, 2019.
Please send nominations to Traci Sylte (tracisylte@gmail.com) by 5pm on January 15, 2019 to be considered. Please also consider that nominations can include any length and format. Microsoft Word or Adobe .pdf documents are preferred, but any format is acceptable (an example format has been attached for your convenience). For candidates receiving the award, the complete narrative will be read during the award ceremony. Award categories are: 1) Outdoor writers or reporters, 2) Educators, 3) Landowners, 4) Groups, organizations, or other individuals, 5) Career Achievement, 6) Natural Resource Professional, and 7) Outstanding Fishery Professional General awards criteria are signified by the category name and are evaluated on conservation actions, devotion, influence with local, state, or federal government entities, enacting important legislation, demonstration of long-term commitment, elevating public interest and awareness, assistance in research/management/stocking programs, innovative management programs/practices, important research or management studies, or influences that have inspired and encourage others to pursue conservation and restoration of aquatic resources. The Outstanding Fishery Professional Award has additional criteria: membership and accomplishments in AFS and the MT Chapter; accomplishments of local, state, regional or national significance, “above and beyond” efforts, exceptional creativity and innovation, membership in other professional, resource, conservation, and community organizations, and promotion for aquatic resource management outside the fish resource profession. Be sure to submit your nominations by 5pm on January 15, 2019. Applications are to be submitted to Traci Sylte (tracisylte@gmail.com) only, but feel free to reach out to any member of ExCom for assistance. As a reminder, our current ExCom members are: Steve Dalbey, President Elect Brian Ertel, President Amber Steed, Past President Marc Terrazas, Secretary/Treasurer
Thanks for your engagement in your MTAFS! Traci Sylte MTAFS Awards Chair |