Public Health Studies

This section contains information and studies on the impacts of rotenone to public health.


Betarbet, R., T. Sherer, G. MacKenzie, M. Garcia-Osuna, A. Panov, and J. Greenamyre. 2000. Chronic systemic pesticide exposure reproduces features of Parkinson’s disease. Nature Neuroscience 3:12 1301-1306.  To read the entire article: Betarbet et al. 2000

Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. 1982. Analytical studies for the detection of chromosomal aberrations in fruit flies, rats, mice and horse bean.  Final Report January 10, 1982, submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc., Rockville, MD.  To read the entire report: Biotech Research Laboratories (1982)

Brusick, D., H. Paulin, D. Jagannath, C. Rabenold, and J. McGowan.  1981.  Mutagenicity studies on rotenone.  Final Report June 24, 1981, submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by Litton Bionetics, Inc., Kensigton, MD.  To read the entire report: Brusick (1981)

Eiseman, J. L., and A. K. Thakur. 1984. General metabolism study for safety evaluation of rotenone using rats.  Final Report October 16, 1984 submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by Hazleton Laboratories, Inc.,Vienna, VA.  To read the entire report: Eiseman and Thakur (1984).  To read the EPA review of the report: Eiseman and Thakur (1984) EPA Review

Ellis, H. V., Unwin, S., Cox, J., Elwood, I. S., Castillo, E. A., Ellis, E. R., Carter, J. 1980.  Subchronic oral dosing study for safety evaluation of rotenone using dogs.  Final Report December 1980, submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City, MO.  To read the entire report: Ellis et al. (1980)

Finlayson, B., D. Skaar, J. Anderson, L. Demong, D. Duffield, W. horton, J. Steinkjer, C. VanMaaren.  2012.  Rotenone use in fish management and Parkinson’s disease: another look.  Fisheries 37(10) 471-474.  To read then entire article:  Finlayson et al. 2012

Freudenthal, R. I., A. P. Leber, D. C. Thake and R. L. Baron.  1981.  Carcinogenic potential of rotenone: subchronic oral and peritoneal administration to rats and chronic dietary administration to Syrian golden hamsters.  USEPA Report EPA-600/1-81-037 and PB81-190936.  Office of Research and Development, Health Effects Research Laboratory,  Research Triangle Park, NC.  To read the entire report: Freudentahl et al. (1981)

Greenman, D. L., W. Allaben, G. Burger, and R. Kodell. 1993. Bioassay for carcinogenicity of rotenone in female Wistar rats. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 20: 383 – 390.  To read the entire article: Greenman et al. (1993)

Hancock, D., and eight coauthors.  2008.  Pesticide exposure and risk of Parkinson’s disease: a family-based case-control study.  BMC Neurology 8(6), 12 pp.  To read entire article here: Hancock et. al 2008

Haworth, S. R. 1979. Salmonella/mammalian – microsome plate incorporation mutagenesis assay (rotenone).  Final Report June 29, 1979 submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by EG&G Mason Research Institute, Rockville, MD.  To read the entire report here: Haworth (1979)

Höglinger, G.U., W. H. Oertel and E. C. Hirsch.  2006.  The rotenone model of Parkinsonism — the five years inspection.  Journal Neural Transmission Supplement 70: 269-72.

Hollingworth, R.M. 2001. Inhibitors and uncouplers of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Pages 1169-1263 in R. Krieger, editor. Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, New York.

Jones, D., V. Simmon, K. Mortelmans, A. Mitchell, E. Evans, M. Jotz, E. Riccio, D. Robinson and B. Kirkhart.  1984.  In vitro and in vivo mutagenicity studies of environmental chemicals [including rotenone]: micronucleus test   USEPA Report EPA-600/1-84-003 and PB84-138973.  Office of Research and Development, Health Effects Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC.  To read entire report: Jones et al. (1984)

MacKenzie, K. M. 1981. Teratology study with rotenone in mice.  Final Report November 24, 1981 submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by Raltech Scientific Services, Madison, WI.  To read entire report here: MacKenzie (1981)

MacKenzie, K. M. 1982. Teratology study with rotenone in rats. Final Report June 17, 1982 submitted to USFWS National Fishery Research Laboratory by  Hazleton Raltech, Inc., Madison, WI.  To read entire report here: MacKenzie (1982)

MacKenzie, K. M. 1983. Reproduction study for safety evaluation of rotenone using rats.  Final Report February 11, 1983 submitted to USFWS National Fishery Research Laboratory by Hazleton Raltech, Inc., Madison, WI.  To read entire report here: MacKenzie (1983)

National Toxicology Program.  1984. Mouse Lymphoma Protocol (Rotenone).  Research Triangle Park, NC.  To read entire report here: National Toxicology Porogram (1984)

National Toxicology Program. 1986. Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of rotenone (CAS No. 83-79-4) in F344/N rats and B6C3F mice (feed studies). NTP Technical Report Series No. 320. Triangle Park, NC.  To read entire report: National Toxicology Program 1986_tr320

Raffaele, K., S. Vulimiri, and T. Bateson. 2011. Benefits and barriers to using epidemiology data in environmental risk assessment. The Open Epidemiology Journal 4:99–105.  Read the entire article here:  Raffaele et. al 2011

Rojo, A.I., C. Cavada, M. Rosa de Sagarra, and A. Cuadrado.  2007.  Chronic inhalation of rotenone or paraquat does not induce Parkinson’s disease symptoms in mice or rats.  Experimental Neurology 208(1): 120-126.

Tisdale, M. 1985. Chronic toxicity study of rotenone in rats.  Final Report December 30, 1985 submitted to USFWS, National Fishery Research Laboratory by Hazelton Laboratories America, Inc., Madison, WI.  To read the entire report here: Tisdale (1985)

USEPA.  1985.  Review of Eiseman, J. L., and A. K. Thakur. 1984. General metabolism study for safety evaluation of rotenone using rats.  To read the entire report: Eiseman and Thakur (1984) EPA Review

USEPA.  2006.  Rotenone: final Human Effects Division chapter of the Reregistraton Eligibility Decision.  Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances.  Washington, D.C. 71 pp.  To read the entire report here: Rotenone_EPA RED HED Chapter_June_28_2006