About Us

Who We Are

The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of was formed in 1966 as a local affiliate of the American Fisheries Society representing fisheries professionals in the states of Colorado and Wyoming.

What we do

Our Chapter’s mission is to promote conservation, development and wise utilization of the states’ fisheries resources; technological advancement of all branches of fisheries science; and the professional exchange of fisheries information among its members.We do lots of stuff, and all of it is good for fish, even the stuff that’s not!


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Chapter History

The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is one of the oldest chapters, founded in 1966. The first annual meeting was held on April 1 in the student center at the Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 59 people attended. The first officers were Fred M. Eiserman, President; George Post, Vice-President; and Charles Viox, Secretary-Treasurer.

In the preamble of the Chapter Operational Handbook of 1978, it states that “More than an organization representing fishery people, the Chapter is active in formulating, supporting, guiding, and responding to issues bearing on the aquatic resource.” In 1977, the chapter began publishing a newsletter titled “The Angler.” It continues to be published under that title.

The Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is a subunit of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. The Western Division consists of those Society members residing in Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Western Pacific Trust Territories.