Mentoring Program
The principal goal of the Colorado/Wyoming AFS Mentoring Program is to assist college students and young fisheries professionals in expanding their fisheries expertise and skills and continuing their personal and professional growth. Application to the program is open to students enrolled in biology or ecology related programs at any Colorado or Wyoming university or college or to individuals who have obtained a degree in biological or ecological sciences and are currently residing in the states of Colorado or Wyoming.
Successful applicants should expect to receive a positive mentoring experience that supplements previous school or work experiences in the fisheries field. Potential focus areas will include, but are not limited to, fish management, culture, and research, sampling techniques, data summary and analysis, report writing, personal development, and professional development. Mentors will work with applicants to improve communication and time management skills and will provide guidance on the intricacies of applying for future job or educational opportunities. Once a mentor is paired with a mentee, the two will agree upon the areas of emphasis they wish to work on.
The duration of mentoring will be a minimum of one semester or field season, and will be agreed upon between the mentor and mentee at the beginning of the program. Mentorship opportunities will likely occur at locations near Colorado or Wyoming junior colleges, colleges, and universities. Because mentors will need to jell with perspective mentees, applications from mentors and mentees will be critically reviewed annually and paired appropriately by the Mentoring Committee.
The mentee application period will be open until March 31. All applicants will be notified by beginning of April regarding their acceptance status. Mentee application packages must include a contact and general information page, a student statement of interest, and one recommendation from a college/university professor of fisheries or wildlife professional. Click here for the mentee application form.
Follow links below for a list of current opportunities:
Click Here for opportunities
Mentor applications will require a proposed mentoring focus or general area of opportunity description, location of opportunity, and an agreement to actively participate in the program for the listed time period. Mentors are allowed and encouraged to co-mentor with other fisheries professionals in the same or another host organization, in order to give students a broad view of the many dimensions of fisheries science. We welcome mentor applicants from municipal, state, federal, provincial, tribal, university, private, and non-governmental organizations within Colorado or Wyoming. Mentor applications will be accepted during any time of the year, but are requested to be submitted by March 31 to allow posting of the opportunity prior to the mentee application period. Click here for the mentor application form.
American Fisheries Society members will have priority over non-members and participation with Student Sub-units is encouraged. If mentees attend a school that does not have a sub-unit (CSU, UW and Colorado Mesa are currently the only schools that have sub-units), they will be encouraged to join AFS and to interact with students from the sub-units. Mentees will also be encouraged to attend an annual CO/WY AFS Annual Meeting.
Please contact the CO/WY AFS Mentoring Committee Chair, Chance Kirkeeng, by phone (307) 721-1385 or email at with any questions.