For a list of past award recipients, click here.
Awards Criteria and Nomination Information
Nominate a coworker for a Chapter award
The Colorado/Wyoming Chapter has four award classifications for recognizing our fisheries professionals and the Awards Committee needs your help in determining qualified candidates. This is an opportunity for you to become involved and see that your professional peers receive the deserved recognition from this Society. Please take a moment and think about your professional peers that have made significant contributions and accomplishments to our aquatic resources. It is your responsibility to make sure our professionals receive this recognition. Send your list of candidates to Travis Neebling.
The following are the awards and criteria.
- Significant efforts in the advancement of the fisheries’ profession, beyond routine expectations.
- A milestone work contributing to the understanding/conservation/management of aquatic resources.
- Original advancement or innovations in fishery research, culture, or management techniques.
- Significant contributions, via public education and participation to conservation of aquatic resources.
- Imaginative and successful programs in aquatic resource conservation education.
- Leadership in recognition/development of habitat issues that lead to a legislation/policy that protect/enhance the aquatic resource.
- Development of aquatic research, culture or management programs of regional or national significance.
- Important ecological discoveries or new taxonomic criteria.
- New philosophies or ideas that contribute to the understanding or management of aquatic resources.
“Atta Boy or Girl” award for a job well done, an outstanding effort in aquatic resource conservation, a major contribution to the well being of the fisheries’ professions, creation of a new “whiz bang” idea or any act that elicits that warm all over feeling. This award generally recognizes significant short-term accomplishments.
All persons associated with water resources, regardless of affiliation are eligible for this award.
This award recognizes a fisheries professional who has shown substantial devotion to assisting or mentoring prospective fisheries students/professionals, current fisheries students, or fisheries professionals.
This is an award for recognition of extreme decadence even beyond the norms for a fish squeezer. It recognizes the most outrageous behavior in the year subsequent to the Chapter’s annual meeting. The benefits is to show that all persons have value, even if it’s only for use as an example of initiative gone awry.
This award can be given to any fisheries student or professional, even if they might not want it.
How to Nominate a Co-worker
Please take some time and think about your peers that deserved recognition. Our goal is to make Chapter awards significant and truly reflect our recognition of our peers and others that help the fishery and aquatic resource. We need your nominations to make this work. Include a description of the contributions or accomplishments that qualify the nominee for the award. Please limit MAX, Outstanding Mentor and Leaky Boot awards to one page, but Award of Excellence may be more detailed.
Please submit your nominations by January 25, 2019 to:
Travis Neebling, 3030 Energy Lane, Casper, WY 82604, phone 307-233-6410, email