Joint EWRI-AFS Fish Passage Reference Database
The Joint EWRI-AFS Fish Passage Reference Database serves as a portal to access citations of current and historic literature on fish passage engineering, biology, design, and relevant disciplines. This database is a compilation of existing literature databases and bibliographies from multiple sources (e.g., USGS S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory). It is meant as an open resource for fishery biologists, managers, engineers, and the public and private sectors to find information on fish passage that is both published and unpublished (i.e., reports, gray literature), and a clearinghouse for new literature as it becomes available. At present the database only contains citations (and occasionally abstracts) of literature sources; due to copyright constraints, it is the responsibility of those using the database to locate the source for and obtain the actual articles.
The database was conceived, designed, and funded through the efforts of the American Society of Civil Engineers Environmental and Water Resources Institute (ASCE/EWRI) – American Fisheries Society Bioengineering Section (AFS/BES) Joint Fish Passage Committee in June of 2011 as part of its goal to develop initiatives for new projects to assist fish passage information and technology transfer, and in collaboration with the Fish Passage Community at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. This database is a compilation of existing literature databases and bibliographies from multiple sources (e.g., USGS S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory). At present the database only contains citations (and occasionally abstracts) of literature sources; due to copyright constraints, it is the responsibility of those using the database to locate the source for and obtain the actual articles.
The database can be accessed at
The Fish Passage Database Citations Task Group is responsible for maintaining the database.