FITS Excom Conference Call 4/14/2016 10:00am-
Julie DeFilippi
Nick Sievert
Jodi Whittier
Andy Loftus
Thom Litts
Jeff Kopaska
- Drupal Gardens Going out of Business-Julie
- Website can be migrated to another webhosting platform (Bluehost is an alternative we can migrate to).
- Do we want to migrate to bluehost or move in another direction
- Thom Comments
- Need to move by August 1st
- Move to AFS or migrate to bluehost
- Doesn’t have a strong opinion
- AFS wordpress is a viable option, still can migrate from there if needed in future
- Julie
- How difficult would it be to migrate from drupal to wordpress?
- Thom
- Site will have to be rebuilt
- Shouldn’t be too difficult if someone knows wordpress tackles the challenge
- Should discuss with Rebecca since she knows wordpress well
- One advantage of moving to wordpress would be that AFS staff would have access so they would be able to assist us with managing it.
- Julie: Asked if anyone else had thoughts, no one else had comments, she will talk with Rebecca
- Thom and Andy
- Because of short deadline it’s likely that our best option is to migrate to another platform for the short term and look into migrating to AFS in the future
- Julie: Lets go ahead and migrate to bluehost temporarily to give us time to migrate to AFS hosting (if that’s what we decide to do).
- Thom: CMS to CMS-> Allows for migration of Drupal to wordpress in minutes seamlessly
- Free Demo
- Julie: We can try Thom’s CMS to CMS if there is a volunteer and if it works we can try going to AFS and if not we can switch to bluehost.
- Thom will look at trying to migrate to wordpress using the CMS to CMS that he found. Will touch base with Rebecca.
- We will also have to repoint our DNS to wherever our new site is
- Thom will first migrate into bluehost and then try to get switched over to wordpress
- Section Meeting
- Monday afternoon has been a historically good time to hold the meeting to get good attendance. – Julie
- No meetings during plenaries-Thom
- Julie: Tentatively schedule business meeting from 3-5pm on Monday
- Julie: 20 minutes setup time, anticipated group size (20’s typically) 20-30 will be what we go with on our form, seating arrangement options (Square, theater, wedding reception)
- Jodi, Julie, and Jeff prefer the hollow square
- Julie will check the box that she’s interested in food and will hear back from the Sheraton with the options.
- Investment Discussion (Julie)
- Julie hasn’t had a chance to discuss the options further with Dan.
- Discuss further next call
- Papers submitted
- Thanks everyone for working on the climate change paper and next generation papers
- Particularly to Jodi and Jeff for leading the charge
- Officer reports
- Need to get those together so we can get them sent out there
- Need to start thinking about elections for next year
- Better to ask early before people get more commitments
- Andy:
- Distribute minutes to membership for approval at the meeting, Andy will get them to Nick so they can be distributed and voted on at the meeting.
- Try to get reports done ahead of time so they can be circulated ahead of time-Andy
- Nick and Julie will get together with Andy to get the reports together
- Thoughts on election:
- Andy- Generally better to try and lock people in early, many are in multiple sections and if another section gets them first they might not be able to run with us.
- Rebecca (as president elect) will be in charge of getting the candidates set up, here is a short list of folks we were able to come up with on the call.
- Jeff K- May have someone who is interested in running for president Rebekka Lindskoog
- Jodi- Perhaps Nicole Eiden would be interested?
- Julie- Jeff O may be a good candidate
- Next call will be the 14th of July
- Thanks everyone for working on the climate change paper and next generation papers
- Julie hasn’t had a chance to discuss the options further with Dan.
- Monday afternoon has been a historically good time to hold the meeting to get good attendance. – Julie