Attendees: Kayla, Paul, Rebecca
- Committee updates
- Electronic Services Advisory Board:
- -Website redo mostly esthetics and organizational. The website is really successful, but membership side still has issues. These issues are top priority this year. Will be surveying members in early 2018 for feedback.
- (Paul): not easy to change earlier career status to profession status, have to call or mail to change.
- -Development of grey literature database: what is the incentive for a state biologist to submit their grey literature? How to encourage people to contribute?
- (Paul): if you submit, you have access? Create a culture around it.
- (Rebecca): AFWA can push the agencies top down and say they have to do it. Helps with citing grey literature.
- If you can think of incentives, get with Rebecca.
- Communications Committee:
- Currently working on motion to become a standing committee, appendix portion of social media guidelines, and brainstorming panel discussions and other outreach topics for annual meeting.
- Electronic Services Advisory Board:
- Old Business
- Fishackathon
- -How much time should we dedicate to helping Fishackathon this year?
- Need science to define problem and not funding sources. FITS can offer to be involved early on and provide feedback to guide the challenge or focus. Our role could be early vetting of the challenge or problem.
- -Ideas for this year: Reporting on conditions (if not already) ice thickness, water temperature, gage height, fish kills (Nick Phelps app), algae blooms, fish deformities and injuries, fish tags, wave action or conditions, presence of endangered species (fishbrain with USFWS), how many other anglers/boats did you see today (human dimensions), boat ramp conditions quality and crowdedness, reporting poaching
- -Functionality: on a map! See how the conditions are at specific places so that you can choose which to go to, also helpful for managers.
- -Stand-alone app or include in existing app.
- FITS Website
- -No big changes. Because every other month calls, continue to discuss on forums. This will keep communication going.
- -FITS is a test group for a test website theme. Paul and Kayla interested in providing feedback. Can you do what you want to do as a leader of the section?
- PyHum
- Dan replied to our questions from last meeting – See and discuss on the forum
- Meeting Symposia and Courses for 2018
- Deadline in January for symposium topic: topic and abstract
- (Julie via email): Part 1: data management portals, how to build it, from paper to portal. Not necessarily what it does (which has been past presentations).
- Part 2: data visualization and techniques. Reach out to science communication section, split cost also (Room and tech fees). FITS willing to cover cost if need be in return for substantial planning help.
- Kayla volunteered to help Julie with part 2.
- Paul, Kayla, and Julie co-planning symposium 2018
- Workshops 2018:
- GIS Workshop: Kayla
- Website Workshop: Rebecca
- Mid-year Governing Board meeting and Travel Request
- Rebecca submitted travel request for the records.
- Fishackathon
- New Business
- Start the Partner Meeting Travel Program
- Purpose: FITS has a small core of leaders, this can be a leadership opportunity for someone new and not on ExComm. Someone not involved yet but wants to get involved Needs to be competitive.
- To-do list:
- ID what partner meetings
- Establish Criteria for award
- Application materials
- Judgement
- How much money are we willing to provide?
- 1st attempt: OFWIM 2018 in Oregon
- March to announce and June for deadline.
- Kayla will bring up idea with OFWIM next month at meeting
- Rebecca to lead:
- Kayla and Paul will assist.
- Kayla- budget, talk with OFWIM.
- Another option: recreational fishing meeting 2020
- Banking:
- Currently banking at M&T bank in Maryland. Kayla suggests looking into a nationwide bank to make future officer transitions easier.
- Start the Partner Meeting Travel Program