AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2019
Attendees: Kayla, Rebecca, Sarah, Paul
Update on Elections:
- Need more votes. Sarah to send a reminder email via Mailchimp and personalization.
- Hard deadline is set for August 5th. Another reminder to send in two weeks and “last minute” reminder.
Annual Meeting 2019:
- Continuing ed workshops are good to go and well supported.
- Symposia on track
- Social- AFS and Wildlife society are covering bartending fees. Still unsure on drink tickets. Worst-case scenario we will have a met up at local spot.
- Tech Talks- Coming together. Eleven interested venders, but will know more soon. Once we know when and where tech talks, give information to symposium organizers to advertise relevant talks. Idea to use “TED talk” logo.
- Section meeting is on Tuesday (10/1) 5:30-7pm. Julie has contacted about refreshments.
Annual meeting 2020:
- Converting symposium to special issues journal. Dan is trying to secure funding for at least 50% of the cost (20,000 to pub in AFS journal). Online only issue to drive down cost? Rebecca to have internal conversations about bringing cost down
- Plans for 150th Section display – Virtual Reality glasses with scenes from fisheries history, showing technology used over time. Accompany with some paraphernalia for the table and the section poster. Other ideas welcome!
Partners travel award
- Announcement is out. Rebecca will to send another reminder out and Ask AFS to send email to large group to catch non-members.
Fisheries data exchange:
- Collecting contacts. Paul reached out to Scott Bonar about including in a chapter into new book. We are in contact with Authors and Rebecca will follow up with them next week.
- Quarter 2 article possibly in July Issue and quarter 3 is in the works.