Attendees: Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli, Sarah Grasty, Dan Weaver
- Election Update
- Final result: Tiffany Hopper with 110 votes cast
- Paul: Inform Tiffany and Jason right away
- Rebecca: Announce the election outcome on website
- Paul: Recruit Jason for committee effort if possible
- Quarterly articles – Sarah
- July Issue: 2nd article published
- Salmon shooter company Whooshh working with us, and RFID UK-based company FishTrack – The integrated article theme is “how to collect data in remote areas and analyze it efficiently with big data”
- Last one is wrap-up after symposium
- 2020 Let’s do it again!
- Sarah needs at least one major dedicated helper
- All: Consider topics we may want to use as a theme, and consider people we could recruit to help co-lead
- Partnership Travel Award
- Need to add to minutes
- AFS 2019 Plans
- Workshops
- Twelve signed up for Data Management workshop
- ESAB-sponsored webmaster course cancelled
- Rebecca: Advertise for Data Management – goal is 20-25 attendees
- Symposia and Tech-focused Networking Event
- Symposia are scheduled and look good
- Tech Talks are being scheduled and branded with FITS’-designed logo – Rebecca: Advertise Tech Talks on website
- Networking Event – Sarah should know by early August if we can get complimentary tickets at the Pepper Mill – call it mid-next week; brewery is already booked – Sarah will invite the other symposium organizers too
- Workshops
- AFS 2020-DanW.
- Big Data Symposium and Special Issue
- Discussed with Martha Mather, potential contributor
- Authors may not be responsive to cold call as it is so early – Contact at the Reno meeting? Within our personal circles, we can recruit now.
- Check the Google sheet from Dan with potential themes/speakers
- Cost of special issue
- We could ask Fisheries Management and Education Sections – We could propose it formally next year with the papers or at least authors/organizers in-hand
- Aaron Lerner – Rebecca: ask about cost flexibility, if nothing then have Dan call Dan D.
- Special stand-alone issue of AFS Journal online and print, with ~240 pages, estimated at $12,000
- Special section within an issue, with ~100 pages, estimated around $5,000
- AFS members can typically waive page charges, but if everyone does, it may cause financial issue for journal – We should do some fundraising for sure to help cover any cost, and perhaps we can do a discounted rate – All would depend on us reaching an agreement we are comfortable with, with Wiley
- Complete the form requesting a special section/issue and send to Dan Daugherty VIA Aaron Lerner.
- 150th Plans
- Rebecca: Put together a request for photos, videos, paraphernalia for booth
- Rebecca: Price 3d glasses
- Big Data Symposium and Special Issue
- FDX Update
- Dana Infante invited me (FITS) onto the authorship of a new chapter on Databases and Data Management, hoping to expand the group of authors to include FDX committee members but we will see
- Great opportunity for FITS to contribute in a meaningful way to improving data practices across profession!
Tagged Under: conference, excom, meeting