AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2020
Attendees: Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli, Tiffany Hopper, Kayla Key, Dan Weaver
- Sarah Grasty’s update (via email; could not attend):
- We are still planning to do a 3rd FITS article in Fisheries Magazine. Should know if/when that’ll be published within the next few weeks.
- Unclear about a fourth but I’m still interested in pursuing some of the ideas that Martha brought up during her talk – need to confirm with the editors that that’s something they’d like to have, though.
- AFS Columbus
- General discussion in light of the pandemic
- Possibility of being cancelled
- Board meeting on Monday to vote on cancellation and evaluate alternatives
- Concerns about low registration if AFS is a virtual meeting
- 150 booth (Rebecca)
- Could we do this virtually?
- Photo contest: If we get entries, we could highlight them on our webpage and give shout outs on virtual meeting
- Big Data Symposium (Dan)
- On temporary hold until further notice
- CE workshop (Paul)
- May be something we could offer virtually
- Will depend on platform and set up of virtual meeting
- If we can capture on virtual format, we could have that video for future use.
- If we move to virtual meeting, we will ask Keith if he would be open to a virtual workshop
- General discussion in light of the pandemic
- CFTC online (Rebecca)
- Rebecca is working with necessary parties to resolve errors and add necessary plugins.
- Her goal is to have a formal letter drafted to vendors asking for participation in trial set-up for feedback, but this will depend on the progress on getting issues resolved
- Travel award (Paul). Initial prep to list in July.
- In anticipation for fall and winter meetings, we need to get the travel award out.
- We need to update the application with new information.
- Twice a year, any conference, with explanation as to why they want to go to that conference and how they would benefit from going.
- Add a checkbox for them to agree that they understand they will be involved in next year’s travel award selection process.
- Action Item: All, please take a look at the application information sent by Rebecca and send any edits to Rebecca within two weeks
- By-law amendment to 4-year election cycle (Paul, Rebecca).
- Rebecca proposed changing our by-laws so that presidents serve a 4-year term instead of 6: one year each as second vice president, first vice president, president, and past president.
- The reasoning is that a 6-year commitment (two years each as president-elect, president, and past president) can be a lot of work, and people’s situations can change a lot in that time. Six years may be a barrier to participation. Dedicating four years to Section leadership strikes a balance between experience/wisdom and realistic expectations of involvement.
- Request for feedback from the membership
- We will start with feedback to gage interest and support
- AFS Director Doug Austen jumped on call to discuss web-based solutions related to a proposal “Senior Professional Engagement Initiative” that is in the works.
- The purpose of this proposal is “To address the special needs and challenges of our senior colleagues as they transition into the sunset of their career”
- Rebecca suggests reaching out to electronic services advisory board
Next Meeting is June 12th