Dear FITS members,
Thank you to all who commented on the proposed bylaw changes to reduce the length of time that a president serves from 6 to 4 years.
Support was mixed, but a common concern was that serving as president for 1 year instead of 2 is insufficient time on the Governing Board to adequately benefit the president, section, or society.
The ExCom met to discuss all feedback, and develop a revised proposal that preserves the 6-year term, but defines the President-Elect and Past President roles in a way that is intended to reduce the burden of service. We are proposing the following roles
– The President Elect’s first year will be “learning year” year in which they are expected to attend ExCom meetings, but are not obligated to take on any responsibilities.
– The President Elect’s second year will include responsibilities that are developed with guidance from the Past President.
– The Past President’s second year will involve fewer responsibilities, and will focus on mentoring the President Elect
Please share your thoughts on this potential change via email to by 4 September 2020.
Thank you for your input!
Your FITS ExCom
Paul Venturelli, President
Tiffany Hopper, President-Elect
Rebecca Krogman, Past President
Kayla Key, Secretary-Treasurer