AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2021
Attendees: Chelsea, Rebecca, Tiffany, Paul
- Communication and Outreach Coordinator (COC) update (Chelsea)
- Chelsea held a meeting with volunteers Sam and Hannah. She developed a drop box where volunteers can add content and create a schedule for posting. Volunteers have not received credentials on social media.
- Paul mentioned Twitter and how we can better utilize that outlet.
- Chelsea will be looking into Mailpoet options and see what the upgrade options are.
- Chelsea will also be evaluating subscriber list.
- Action Item: Chelsea will remove unsubscribed emails from general mailing list and send emails out to members who are inactive to gauge interest if they want to continue receiving emails. Inactive email accounts will be exported and saved.
- President-elect election (Tiffany)
- Action Item: Tiffany will get with Chelsea to go over sending newsletter to subscribers for nominations for President-elect.
- Center for Fisheries Technology and Collaboration (CFTC) update (Rebecca)
- Volunteer Alex has taken lead on CFTC goal development, volunteers, subcommittees, and ways to promote CFTC. Rebecca will be touching base with her this week to discuss outreach plans.
- Rebecca reported we had one CFTC connection since last month.
- History webpage collaboration with the History Section (Paul)
- Working on developing content about CFTC history and have that information linked to CFTC
- AFS Baltimore
- “COVID Effects” Symposium (Tiffany)
- Abstract deadline is tomorrow 4/22/2021
- Action Item: Tiffany and Chelsea come up with potential content to share on social media about the symposium and workshop
- Data Management workshop (Paul)
- Keith responded and is going to instruct the workshop. If anything changes Covid related, the workshop may be cancelled.
- Question brought to group: Do we want workshop to be extended a full day? The duration of the previous workshop was half a day and went over time.
- Action Item: Paul will touch base with AFS about extending workshop to full day.
- Registration lottery for members
- No registration information has been posted yet, holding back until information has been listed.
- Money will be set aside until information has been listed on registration.
- Questions brought to the group: How much do we plan on giving and are we planning on randomly assigning gifts to lottery winners.
- By-law change (Paul)
- Adjust the date on by-law email before sending out
- Action Item: Chelsea send out once MailChimp issues have been resolved
- Other business
- Letter of appreciation to Dan (Paul)
- Completed and ready to be sent out.
- Action Item: Chelsea send out once MailChimp issues have been resolved
- Invite Bryan (Webmaster) to ExCom meetings (Paul)
- Bryan was unable to attend due to other conflict
- Question brought to group: Do we want to continue meeting at the same time we have been? Committee members will have more flexibility as we approach summer.
- Changing meeting room to Zoom organized by Paul
- Citizen Science Task Force (Paul)
- No updates
- Action Item: Paul create citizen science email to Chelsea to send out to subscribers
- Letter of appreciation to Dan (Paul)
- “COVID Effects” Symposium (Tiffany)
Next Meeting is 12 May