AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes October 17, 2022
Attendees: Tiffany, Kayla, Paul, Patrick, and Chelsea
Old Business
AFS Spokane
- Bylaws changes
- Conflict of Interest statement in by-laws (Rebecca had volunteered to draft proposed language)
- Bylaws change to remove requirement for 2 candidates for each election
- Add language that says two is optimal, but one is acceptable
- Action Item: Tiffany will draft language
- Splitting of secretary and treasurer roles
- Action Item: Kayla will draft language
- Section Name
- new proposed name “Data and Technology”
- Action Item: Patrick will draft language
- Incentives for participating in vote?
- Action Item: Paul will draft proposed
- Other needed changes?
- File sharing via a Google Account
- ExCom discussed how a google account would help FITS communicate and share relevant files and information.
- Action Item: Patrick to set up account and share with Kayla
- Action Item: Kayla will start populating with relevant information
- 2023 President-elect election
- Nominations deadline was May 30 in 2021 and April 30 in 2019
- Call for nominations usually announced in March
- Action Item: Patrick to reach out to members who has indicated interest in volunteering
Next meeting November 10th