AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2023
Attendees: Kayla, Tiffany, Patrick, Paul, Jen
Old Business
- Bylaws change next steps
- Membership vote
- 32 submissions so far
- Need to close- Kayla to send email out closing it
- Randy will then take to AFS Management Committee
- Membership vote
- 2023 Grand Rapids Meeting
- Continuing Education course in Database Design- Sunday 8am -5 pm
- Symposia
- MacGyvering symposium-Monday 8-5pm in River Overlook D
- Failing successfully symposium- Thursday afternoon 1:20-5pm in River Overlook B
- Annual meeting
- FITS business meeting on Tuesday Aug 22nd at 5:00pm!
- Virtual/audio option on teams
- Kayla to send email reminder to membership about business meeting.