Installing Packages in R for Mac OS

In R for Mac OS

Installing Packages from CRAN

Packages distributed via the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) extend the functionality of R. If you have chosen NOT to interact with R through RStudio, then these directions explain how to install package from within R. If you have chosen to use RStudio, then goto the directions for installing packages within RStudio.

  1. Open R. (If R is not installed, then follow these directions to install R for Mac OS.)
  2. Select the Packages & Data menu and Packages Installer submenu item.
  3. In the dialog box, click Get List to compile a current list of available packages.
  4. Select the packages to install (use the <command> key to select multiple packages). Make sure the Install Dependencies option is selected. Click Install Selected and R should now install these packages plus all packages that these depend on. This may take several minutes and you should see a version number in the “Installed Version” column when complete.

Installing FSA and FSAdata

The FSA and FSAdata packages are distributed on CRAN and can be installed using the directions above.

Thanks to Taylor Stewart for help with these directions.