Dear colleagues,
We are soliciting speakers for a special session to be held next February at the Aquaculture 2016 conference in Las Vegas, NV, focused on “Managing the Genetic Risk of Escapes from Aquaculture.”
Based on mutual interest in exploring the genetic benefits and risks associated with aquaculture, experts in the United States, Canada, and the European Union are moving risk models toward operational use such that managers may begin to 1) understand the genetic impact(s) associated with escapees from aquaculture, 2) plan and execute responsible and sustainable culture programs, and 3) determine mitigation strategies, if warranted. As an initial cooperative step, this session aims to bring together scientists and science administrators from interested parties to discuss current international efforts and modeling programs, direct and indirect genetic effects research, as well as the development of joint guidelines and best management practices, designed to address genetic interactions between wild and cultured conspecifics.
This session will support, in part, the multilateral goals and objectives associated with the EU-CA-US Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation and the NOAA-DFO (US-CA) Regulatory Cooperation Council Joint Forward Plan. At the end of the session, we will hold a one to two hour discussion on addressing genetic risk under the Galway Statement.
Please contact session co-organizers Kristen Gruenthal ( or Ingrid Burgetz ( for further information.
We hope to hear from you soon!