
Congratulations are in order!

Congratulations to the new Genetics Section leadership, including Jeff Olsen (President), Wendylee Stott (President-Elect), and Amy Welsh (Secretary-Treasurer). In addition to the above news, we are proud to announce the induction of the 2014 inaugural class in the Genetics Section Hall of Excellence, which includes Fred Allendorf (University of Montana), John Avise (UC Irvine), Fred... Read More

eDNA Symposium and Genetics Section Social

To facilitate the conversation around eDNA and genetics in general, Genidaqs and the Genetics Section are co-sponsoring the eDNA Symposium Social during AFS Quebec 2014 at 5pm on 19 August at the Les voûtes de Napoléon at 680 Grande Allée Est. The social will provide the opportunity to talk among colleagues, inspire one other with... Read More

Student Subsection Executive Committee elections

A reminder to vote in the Student Subsection Executive Committee officer elections by 15 August 2014! See the new August 2014 Genetics Section Newsletter for candidate profiles. Click (link removed) to cast your vote. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, contact Dan Dembkowski at Read More

Hall of Excellence Nominations

Nominations (due 15 June 2014) are now open for the inaugural class of the Genetic Sections’ Hall of Excellence. The Hall of Excellence recognizes professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of management or conservation of aquatic species and ecosystems through the application of genetics tools, techniques, or theory. Find out more about... Read More