
Hall of Excellence Nominations Due June 15

The AFS Genetics Section Hall of Excellence recognizes professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of management or conservation of aquatic species and ecosystems through the application of genetics tools, techniques, or theory. Up to three inductees are entered into the Hall of Excellence per year. For our inaugural year in 2014, Fred... Read More

Genomics symposium planned for AFS annual meeting

Contact Garrett McKinney ( by January 14 if interested in presenting. Abstract: Rapid advances in genomics are providing unprecedented opportunities to improve our understanding of the amount, distribution and functional significance of genetic variation in natural populations and its dynamics over ecologically relevant time. At the same time that analyses on a genomic scale are... Read More

Genetics symposium at the Larval Fish Conference

Lorenz Hauser is organizing a symposium titled, “Larval dispersal and population connectivity – genetic approaches to ecological problems,” at the 39th Annual Larval Fish Conference in Vienna, Austria, which will be held 12-17 July 2015. Registration and abstract submission are now open, and deadline for abstracts is 3 May. Please click (link removed) for more... Read More

HaMAR Process In Final Stages

AFS Fish Culture Section President Jesse Trushenski has announced that the AFS Hatcheries and Management of Aquatic Resources (HaMAR) process is now essentially complete, and the guidance document has been approved by the AFS Governing Board. A summary of the committee’s findings will be published in an upcoming issue of “Fisheries.” A special thanks to... Read More

Congratulations to our Genetics Section Awardees!

Congratulations to the following award recipients, announced during the 2014 AFS Annual Meeting in Quebec. Stevan Phelps Memorial Best Paper Award: Helen Neville and Louis Bernatchez. The Genetics Section presented the 2014 Stevan Phelps Memorial Award to Helen Neville and Louis Bernatchez for their paper, “Neville H., and L. Bernatchez. 2013. Coding Gene Single Nucleotide... Read More

Genetics Section Officer Elections

It’s time for Genetics Section members to elect officers for the 2014-2016 term. In addition to President, President-elect, and Secretary-Treasurer, a member-at-large will be elected this year to participate on the committee for the newly instituted Hall of Excellence. To obtain a ballot or if you have questions or special considerations, please contact Bill Templin... Read More