Ecology and Conservation of Cypriniform Fishes


T. Worthington Broadcast Spawning Cyprinids: Ecology and Conservation Opportunities

G. Wilde- Longterm Changes in the Fish Assemblage of the Upper Brazos River, Texas

J. Powell- Restoring Habitats and Recovering Species One Shu at a Time

G. Pandolfi- Effects of Land Use, Habitat and Introduced Fishes on Stream Communities

G. Moyer- Demographic Processes Influence Genetic Patterns of Sicklefin Redhorse

M. Moore- Prioritizing Conservation of Fragmented Populations of Clinch Dace

B. Jones- Is the Ironcolor Shiner a Vanishing Species in North Carolina?

M. Hayes- Population Genetics of the Broadstripe Shiner

W. Ensign- What Can Largescale Stonerollers Tell Us about Urban Streams?

C. Coleman- Specific Gravity of Ova and Fry of Broadcast-Spawning Cyprinids

S. Bohn- Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Sicklefin Redhorse

B. Albanese- Status Assessment Mapping for Imperiled Minnows and Suckers in the Southeast

J. Zelko- Cryopreservation of Robust Redhorse and Sicklefin Redhorse Sperm

C. Straight- Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring to Assess Diel Patterns and Temporal Trends in Spawning Rates of Robust Redhorse

B. Peoples- Appalachian Cyprinid Stream Fish Communities and the Stress-Gradient Hypothesis

R. Mayden-  The Amazing Cypriniformes – Global to Southeastern Diversity

D. Logue- Competitive Interactions of Two Pelagic Broadcast Spawning Cyprinids of the Great Plains

B. Kuhajda- The Laurel Dace: Survey Results for an Endangered Species Endemic to Walden Ridge, Tennessee

T. Ivasauskas- Swimming Ability of Sicklefin Redhorse Early Life Stages and Implications for Conservation of an Imperiled Species

R. Heise- From Rediscovery to Augmentation: Conservation of the Robust Redhorse in the Pee Dee River

S. Floyd Jr.- Investigating the Role of Parental Care in Nocomis Nest Association

J. Davis- Two Years of ‘Horse Play: Monitoring and Study of the Georgia Population of the Sicklefin Redhorse

M. Cantrell- Evaluation of Low Discharge Effects on Savannah River MidChannel Gravel Bars, with an Emphasis on Habitat Suitability for Spawning Robust Redhorse

J. Armbruster- Evolutionary Ecology of the Cyprinidae