
SDAFS Resolutions Process

The five members of the Resolutions Committee draft and recommend to the Division for consideration such resolutions considered prudent and necessary in the furtherance of the purposes and objectives of the Division. The recommendations are presented to the Division at its Annual Meeting. The resolution adoption process is available in PDF format below.

The SDAFS Resolutions Consideration and Adoption Process

Current Resolutions

There are no resolutions for consideration by the membership at this time (01/31/2015).

Chapters and Chapter Subunits are encouraged to submit resolutions. Every fishery encompasses three essential elements: habitat, aquatic species and people. Any issue that impacts those elements may be worthy of a Division resolution. The committee has not considered any resolutions on marine fisheries issues in several years. Resolutions should be sent to Gene Wilde, Resolutions Committee Chairman ( w. 806-742-2715 ext 290. Resolutions can be submitted at any time but they must be published in a SDAFS newsletter. Resolutions are voted on at the SDAFS Annual Business meeting.

Recent Resolutions (2005-2015)